Buyer Protection

What guarantees can I get?

Everyone who shops on RxIndia receives the following guarantees:

  • 1

Full Refund if you don’t receive your order

You will get a full refund if your order does not arrive within the delivery time promised by the seller.

  • 2

Full or Partial Refund if the item is not as described

If your item is significantly different from the seller’s product description, you can A: Return it and get a full refund, or B: Get a partial refund and keep the item.

Sellers can also offer additional guarantees for their products:

  • 2Easy Returns

All products that are shipped domestically can be returned, as long as they are unused and in perfect condition. No questions asked!

  • 3Guaranteed Genuine

If a product that falls under this guarantee is found to be counterfeit, you will get a full refund (shipping costs included).

How does Buyer Protection work?

  • 1Contact the Seller

If your order hasn't arrived within the promised time, or isn't as described - contact the seller.

Most sellers are happy to quickly resolve any issues.

  • 2Open Dispute to Make a Refund

If you were unable to resolve the problem with the seller, you can submit a refund request by clicking Open Dispute.

Here, you can formally discuss solutions with the seller.

  • 3Escalate Dispute to RxIndia

If you are not satisfied with the seller’s solutions, you can Escalate Dispute to us.

We will mediate between you and the seller to resolve the problem

Tip:The best way to protect your purchase is to carefully check the seller’s feedback from his buyers and product description before ordering.